This fall has flown by in so many ways and just crept along in others. The boys both started school in August. McLain is in fourth grade (wasn't he just in kindergarten???), and Keaton is in three year old preschool. Both boys love their teachers and are doing well despite the changes that are about to occur in our house. We are really grateful for how much they love their schools and teachers.
In late August, we were grateful and happy to discover that I'm pregnant with Brooks Number Three. Yes, we were trying for this addition, but it was still a shock that it actually happened. Because we knew this would be our last baby, Clay and I decided to surprise our families with the news. One afternoon after church when I was eight weeks pregnant, we went with Clay's parents, my parents, my brothers, and our boys to Los Bravos. While waiting for our lunch to be served, Clay and I passed out envelopes that had a baby announcement in them. They said, "We are excited, joyful, and blessed to say that Brooks #3 is on the way!" Needless to say, our families were in shock and very emotional about this unexpected news. In true Brooks' fashion, my in-laws cried while my parents sat in stunned silence. :) McLain was ecstatic and immediately began rooting for a baby girl, along with my Dad.
These past 17 weeks have been rough. My mornings have been filled with a lot of dry heaving and vomiting. I finally was prescribed a medication last week to help with these pregnancy side effects, and words can't explain how different and BETTER I feel. God bless the person who invented this fabulous anti-vomit pill! :)
We are on the count down to find out what Baby Number Three is. Just nine more days! Fingers crossed that this baby will not be modest, so I'll know whether or not Clay has to repaint the nursery. While of course a girl will not hurt my feelings (I could buy pink!), I will be equally as content to have another boy. I have this Star Wars and Legos thing down.
This Thanksgiving we realize that we have so much to be thankful for: two healthy boys, another mischief maker on the way, steady jobs, great friends, and wonderful families. God's blessing are so abundant in our life. Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!