I can't believe that another year has come and gone. It seems the older I get the faster time flies. 2011 has been a wonderful year for our family, and I hope we are equally blessed in 2012.
McLain's 2011 Highlights
- He has turned into a miniature Clay and will try anything if his Dad has already done it, including ordering beef chimichangas and wearing batman attire, even though last year he seemed to cool for it.
- His uncles have become his heroes, and he would move in with them if I let him. They love to play football together and watch manly movie marathons, like Rocky I-V.
- He was first runner up in the school spelling bee. Yay for knowing how to spell!
- He scored in the 99 percentile for the ITBS. I got a phone call from the principal and his Target teacher about his fabulous scores!
Keaton's 2011 Highlights
- He has become the official Cake Boss in our family. He loves to bake and is obsessed with decorating cakes. Give him some sprinkles, and he is a very content little boy.
- He started pronouncing his /l/ sound, and said "I love you!" clearly.
- He has fallen in love with playing the drums and knows how to count off a song with tapping the drums sticks over his head while shouting "1-2-3-4!"
- He has learned to add and has about 15 sight words memorized. Wow for his 4 year preschool!
Collin's 2011 Highlights
1. He arrived (a very sweet, precious entry) and was a healthy and happy baby. He stole his Mama's heart immediately upon his arrival.
2. His first word was "Mama," followed by "Dada" a week later.
3. He voluntarily gave up his binky in December when he got sick. This kind of freaked me out initially, but I'm excited to know I won't have to fight with him to let it go when he's two or three, like I did with his brothers.
4. He is made of smiles. Collin smiles. All the time. His drooly grins of course make us smile back. We have decided he is the smilingest baby in the world. :)